Hajj Finance Management in Theory H in Indonesia


  • Nani Suhartini University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
  • Isti Nuzulul Atiah University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa




Potential, Management, Fund Hajj


The phenomenon of spiritual awareness in Muslim Indonesia is characterized among other things by the high interest of the Pilgrim approximately 221 thousand per year and 500 thousand Umrah pilgrims every year, the number of candidates was being Haji waiting until 2018 there are 2.8 million people in 2018. Nevertheless, Hajj Operation is identical to the issue of the utilization of funds prospective Haj pilgrims were not transparent use. The existence of Haji Financial Management Agency (BPKH) is expected to be a surveillance solution. CPC information accumulated funds initial deposit fee Hajj (BPIH) until 2022 could reach 147, 67 trillion. However, from year to year are finding potential state losses due to mismanagement of Hajj Fund Management. CPC had released the waste containing haj fee of Rp. 56.6 billion, including the cost of inefficiency boarding Rp. 12.8 billion, and some components have exorbitant fees a low cost Rp 58.5 billion. There is no clarity 3.5 Trillion Fund DAU (DAU) collected from the initial deposit prospective pilgrims could bring benefits and transparent its management.

The large number of pilgrims who have signed up compared with the available quota, made a pilgrim in a normal atmosphere and had to wait an average of 19 years. Data from the Ministry of Haj said that the waiting period is the shortest in North Sulawesi province which is 11 years old. Meanwhile, the longest waiting period is in Aceh and East Java, which is 22 years. When the pilgrims had paid a down payment of Rp 25 million, then the money will settle during the waiting time, resulting in the accumulation of funds for pilgrims in large numbers. Magnitude heaping amount proportionate to the amount of hajj pilgrims were included in the waiting list (waiting list). This gives an idea of the potential of the financial management of the Hajj which, if done with the precautionary principle can be done to maximize the value of money. So far, the fund management Hajj performed by the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The Hajj funds are placed in bank deposits, which is only Rp 2 billion guaranteed by the Deposit Insurance Agency (LPS). When compared with the accumulated fund-Haj per individual and the number of pilgrims, the rate of Rp 2 billion would be very small. And would be very unfortunate if the number of funds that settles fairly large haj without playing in the productive sector.




How to Cite

Suhartini, N., & Nuzulul Atiah, I. (2022). Hajj Finance Management in Theory H in Indonesia . Management Science Research Journal, 1(2), 96–108. https://doi.org/10.56548/msr.v1i2.35



Management Science Research Journal