Management Science Research Journal
<p>The <em>Journal of Management Science Research (MSR)</em> is committed to publishing empirical and theoretical research articles, that have a high impact on the management field as a whole. The journal encourages new ideas or new perspectives on existing research. The journal covers such areas as:</p> <ul> <li>Business / Management</li> <li>Organizational behaviours</li> <li>Human resource management</li> <li>Organizational theory</li> <li>Entrepreneurship</li> <li>Accounting or Finance</li> </ul> <p>Review Issues are published on February, May, August, and November. These issues include widely read and widely cited collections of articles in the field of management and have become a major resource for management research. The Review Issues cover a broad range of topics from a wide range of academic disciplines, methodologies, and theoretical paradigms.</p> <p><strong>DOI Prefix : </strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p>PT Larva Wijaya Penerbiten-USManagement Science Research Journal2828-4216<h3>Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License</h3> <p>By exercising the Licensed Rights (defined below), You accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License ("Public License"). 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Except for the limited purpose of indicating that material is shared under a Creative Commons public license or as otherwise permitted by the Creative Commons policies published at <a href=""></a>, Creative Commons does not authorize the use of the trademark “Creative Commons” or any other trademark or logo of Creative Commons without its prior written consent including, without limitation, in connection with any unauthorized modifications to any of its public licenses or any other arrangements, understandings, or agreements concerning use of licensed material. For the avoidance of doubt, this paragraph does not form part of the public licenses.<br /><br />Creative Commons may be contacted at <a href=""></a>.</p>Exploring The Impact Of Service Quality On BPJS Patient Satisfaction In Hospitals: A Scoping Review
<p>One of the key initiatives to regulate the healthcare system in Indonesia is the establishment of the National Health System, implemented through the BPJS program. Previous research has investigated the impact of healthcare service quality in hospitals on patient satisfaction among BPJS participants. This scoping review aims to map existing research on the relationship between service quality and BPJS patient satisfaction in hospitals. The stages of a scoping review consist of (1) Formulating the research question; (2) Identifying relevant literature; (3) Selecting studies; (4) Mapping the data; and (5) Summarizing, synthesizing, and reporting the results. The studies included in this review cover eight years from 2015 to 2023. The results indicate that all dimensions of service quality significantly influence patient satisfaction (Lahdji et al., 2015; Mukaromah et al., 2022; Natassa & Dwijayanti, 2019; Putri et al., 2016; Tridiyawati & Prahasta, 2022). However, as highlighted by Amalia et al. (2023), Fajri (2016), Pramita et al. (2019), Rahmadani et al. (2021), and Widyastuti et al. (2018), certain dimensions of service quality have a notable impact on patient satisfaction, while others do not.</p>Indri WidyastutiRif'atul HamidahSilvia Dewi KusumawatiRatnawati Ratnawati
Copyright (c) 2024 Indri Widyastuti, Rif'atul Hamidah, Silvia Dewi Kusumawati, Ratnawati Ratnawati
<p>In the literature review of several previous studies, several conclusions have been obtained that <em>rewards </em>and <em>punishments </em>have an influence on the level of employee discipline, so that rewards and punishments... in a way significant influence performance employee in a way simultaneous and partial. Employees feel valued with gifts given by the company and that push motivate employee for work more hard and make more performance good. Employee take punishment with positive way as Lessons and making punishment as strength booster For Motivate they more many and create more performance Okay. The main stages of <em>a scoping review </em>are: (1) identifying research questions; (2) identifying relevant studies; (3) selecting studies; (4) creating data charts, and (5) compiling, summarizing, and reporting results. A 10-year time span (2014-2023), from the results of scoping observations, shows that most studies state that <em>rewards </em>and <em>punishments </em>have a significant effect on the level of employee work discipline. However, there are several research results that state that there is no influence between <em>rewards </em>and <em>punishments </em>on employee discipline at work, as stated by Ratu Mambrasa <strong>r ( </strong>2021), who stated that <em>present</em> influential positive However No significant to discipline work employee <strong>.</strong></p> <p><strong>Keywords: <em>Reward,</em> <em>Punishment, Work Discipline, Scope Review</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p>Yulius Panca SeputraYasman SuparyoAbdul KholilRatnawati
Copyright (c) 2024 Yulius Panca Seputra, Yasman Suparyo, Abdul Kholil, Ratnawati
2024-11-282024-11-283413214510.56548/msr.v3i4.136The Impact of COVID-19 on Banking Performance: Systematic Literature Review
<p>A PRISMA-guided systematic literature review was conducted using purposive random Google searches to analyze research published from 2020 to 2024. This review included 9 types of study data from 52 identified studies. Design/methodology/approach – Analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on banking financial performance, carried out by reviewing the developing literature regarding the effects of COVID-19 on bank performance. The studies were selected based on the use of bank performance indicators in the form of financial performance ratios which were tested using the paired sample t-test or Wilcoxson z-test method, from 52 studies 9 indicators were selected with the most widely used namely ROA, CAR BOPO, LDR, NPL, ROE, NPF, FDR, NIM. Based on further testing using a one-sample t-test, the findings show that COVID-19 has no impact on the ROA indicator. CAR BOPO, NPL, NPF, FDR, while other indicators NIM, ROE, and LDR received the effects of Covid 19. The implications for the banking world and policymakers provide a more focused perspective in determining strategic performance. In contrast, the implications for further research provide new insights and questions about the extent to which these indicators explain the state of banking and its environmental conditions.</p>Mukhtar
Copyright (c) 2024 Mukhtar Mukhtar
<p>This study was conducted to examine the effect of financial performance on stock prices with institutional ownership as a moderating variable. The final sample studied using purposive sampling technique in this study amounted to 65 data points during the observation period from 2019–2023, with healthcare companies as the research population. A quantitative method was chosen for this study, with data obtained from the Indonesia Stock Exchange and the official websites of the sample companies. In this study, multiple linear regression analysis was used to predict the influence of financial performance, stock prices, and institutional ownership, while Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) was used to test the moderating variable. The results of the tests show that financial performance measured by Earnings Per Share (EPS) has a positive effect on stock prices. Financial performance measured by Return on Assets (ROA) also affects stock prices. Institutional ownership does not moderate the effect of EPS on stock prices, but institutional ownership can moderate the effect of Return on Assets (ROA) on stock prices.</p>Anistya Vinta DesiMulyanah
Copyright (c) 2024 Anistya Vinta Desi, Mulyanah
2024-11-142024-11-1434809010.56548/msr.v3i4.127IMPULSIVE ONLINE BUYING OF “Y” GENERATIONS
<p>The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the Intensity of using Instagram, and Positive shopping emotion on Impulsive buying online on Y generations of Instagram social media users. Data analysis was performed on 150 respondents' from Y generation as buyers of convenience and shopping goods. Data analysis using regression with smartPLS software version 3.3.2 which was used to test the three hypotheses in this study. The results of data analysis show that the effect of the intensity of using Instagram to impulsive buying online and positive shopping emotion, and positive shopping emotion to impulsive buying online are significant among Y generation.</p>Yanto Azie SetyaAnita Dyah Juniarti
Copyright (c) 2024 Yanto Azie Setya, Anita Dyah Juniarti
<p>Abstract: This study aims to determine the influence of motivation and compensation on employee turnover intention at PT AJI. The research employs a quantitative method. The sampling was conducted using the probability sampling method with a simple random sampling technique, resulting in a sample of 57 employees from PT AJI. Data collection was carried out using questionnaires distributed to the employees. The study's variables include the independent variables motivation (X1) and compensation (X2), as well as the dependent variable turnover intention (Y). The analysis tool used in this research is the Partial Least Squares (PLS) model. The results indicate that motivation and compensation collectively have a negative and significant effect on employee turnover intention at PT AJI.</p> <p>Keywords: Motivation, Compensation, Turnover Intention, Employees. </p>Topan dewa perdanaIka Korika Swasti
Copyright (c) 2024 Topan dewa perdana, Ika Korika Swasti
2024-11-252024-11-253412213110.56548/msr.v3i4.134The Influence Of Compensation And Work Motivation On Job Satisfaction Of Gojek Surabaya Drivers
<p>The development of the digital economy in Indonesia triggers a transformation in the labor sector, including application-based industries such as Gojek. Factors that influence driver job satisfaction include compensation and work motivation, while the reduction of compensation and lack of appreciation for driver performance often become issues. This research aims to analyze the influence of compensation and work motivation on job satisfaction among Gojek drivers Surabaya. This research uses a quantitative approach with data collected through questionnaires from 100 Gojek drivers Surabaya as the sample. The data analysis technique uses Partial Least Square (PLS) through the Smart PLS 4 program. Research results show that compensation, with the main aspect of incentives, contributes positively to job satisfaction. Work motivation also has a significant impact with the main indicator being recognition. These results indicate that the increase in compensation and work motivation plays an important role in enhancing the job satisfaction of Gojek drivers Surabaya.</p> <p> </p> <p>Keyword: Compensation, Gojek Drivers, Job Satisfaction, Work Motivation.</p>Fiqri Istighfarul HaqiIka Korika Swasti
Copyright (c) 2024 Fiqri Istighfarul Haqi, Ika Korika Swasti
2024-11-152024-11-1534919910.56548/msr.v3i4.129Digital Marketing: A Review of the Literature in the last ten years
<p>A literature review is used to discuss this research which aims to identify and analyze articles about digital marketing from 2015-2024. Data was obtained from Scopus taken using the Publish or perish (POP) analysis tool and Vos Viewer. The results of this research are based on data obtained from 200 articles, of, which in 2020 there were 42 articles discussing digital marketing. Meanwhile, in 2023 there will be 5 articles and in 2024 there will be no articles discussing digital marketing. Meanwhile, the data was processed using Vos Viewer to produce 10 clusters with 44 items.</p>Arum Wahyuni Purbohastuti
Copyright (c) 2024 Arum Wahyuni Purbohastuti
2024-11-052024-11-0534586510.56548/msr.v3i4.121The Correlation of work stress on Employee turnover intention : Job Satisfaction as mediating variable
<div><span lang="EN-US">This study aims to determine the role of Job Satisfaction in mediating the relationship between Job Stress and Turnover Intention at PT Gilang Lemindo Sejahtera Tangerang. The research method used is quantitative with a descriptive approach. This research collects data based on questionnaires and literature studies. The population and samples used in this study were all employees at PT Gilang Lemindo Sejahtera, totaling 78 respondents. The data analysis method used is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the SmartPLS analysis tool. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Job Stress has a positive and significant effect on Turnover Intention. (2) Job Stress has a negative and significant effect on Job Satisfaction. (3) Job Satisfaction has a negative and significant effect on Turnover Intention. (4) Job Satisfaction is able to mediate the effect of Job Stress on Turnover Intention</span></div>Meylina SetyaningsihEloh BahirohEnis Khaerunnisa
Copyright (c) 2024 Meylina Setyaningsih, Eloh Bahiroh, Enis Khaerunnisa
2024-11-052024-11-0534485710.56548/msr.v3i4.123The Influence of Motivation on The Quality of Health Care Services At Hasta Husada Special Surgery Hospital: A Scoping Review
<p>The impact of motivation on the caliber of health worker services at Hasta Husada Special Surgery Hospital has been examined in earlier literature studies. This scoping review's goal is to map out previous research that evaluates how work motivation affects the caliber of services provided by health workers. Finding research questions, finding pertinent studies, choosing studies, mapping data, and gathering, summarizing, and reporting findings are the five primary steps of a scoping review. According to the scoping review's findings, the majority of studies conducted over a ten-year period (2013–2023) recognized that job motivation affected the caliber of hospital services. However, according to Cicilia Lihawa et al. (2016), Titi Nur Wahidah (2017), and Andreano C. Porotu'o et al. (2014), work motivation had no bearing on the quality of services.</p>Edy WahyudiEko AriyantoAndy E Krisna
Copyright (c) 2024 Edy Wahyudi, Eko Ariyanto, Andy E Krisna
2024-11-052024-11-0534274710.56548/msr.v3i4.122The Effect of ESG Disclosure on Financial Performance with Earnings Management as an Intervening Variable
<p>This study was conducted to examine the impact of ESG disclosure on financial performance with earnings management as an intervening variable. The final sample studied using purposive sampling technique in this study amounted to 160 data in the observation year 2019–2022 with companies in the manufacturing, real estate and mining sectors as the research population. The quantitative method was chosen in this study with data obtained from the Indonesian Stock Exchange, the official website of the sample company, and the Thomson Reuters Eikon website. The research model uses panel data regression analysis with the best model chosen is the Random Effect Model (REM), while to test the mediating variables is to use the Sobel test using a Sobel test calculator. From the tests conducted, the results prove that ESG disclosure has a significant positive effect on financial performance and earnings management cannot mediate the relationship between ESG disclosure and financial performance.</p>Fizri AndiniWindu Mulyasari
Copyright (c) 2024 Fizri Andini, Windu Mulyasari
2024-11-052024-11-0534172610.56548/msr.v3i4.120Examining the Importance of Effective Human Resources Planning (HRP) in Optimizing Organizational Performance
<div><span class="rynqvb"><span lang="EN">In an increasingly dynamic business environment, effective human resource planning (HRP) has emerged as a critical factor in driving organizational performance, though gaps remain in understanding HRP as a direct contributor to strategic outcomes. This study aims to assess the impact of HRP practices—workforce forecasting, talent management, and succession planning—on productivity, employee retention, and adaptability. A mixed-methods approach was employed, combining quantitative analysis of performance metrics from 200 organizations with qualitative insights from in-depth interviews with HR managers. Results indicate a strong positive correlation between HRP practices and organizational performance, with workforce forecasting contributing significantly to stability, and talent management and succession planning driving engagement and continuity. The study also highlights adaptability as a crucial element for HRP, particularly in volatile industries. These findings suggest that HRP, when strategically aligned, not only enhances competitive advantage but also provides resilience to organizational shifts. This research contributes a novel perspective by positioning HRP as a core strategic function, offering practical recommendations for optimizing HRP practices in response to emerging business challenges. The study’s insights serve as a foundation for future research on adaptive HR strategies in dynamic market conditions</span></span></div>Eloh Bahiroh
Copyright (c) 2024 Eloh Bahiroh eloh