Science Research Journal2025-02-13T10:20:36+07:00Larva Wijaya Publishingpt.larvawijayapenerbit@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>The <em>Journal of Management Science Research (MSR)</em> is committed to publishing empirical and theoretical research articles, that have a high impact on the management field as a whole. The journal encourages new ideas or new perspectives on existing research. The journal covers such areas as:</p> <ul> <li>Business / Management</li> <li>Organizational behaviours</li> <li>Human resource management</li> <li>Organizational theory</li> <li>Entrepreneurship</li> <li>Accounting or Finance</li> </ul> <p>Review Issues are published on February, May, August, and November. These issues include widely read and widely cited collections of articles in the field of management and have become a major resource for management research. The Review Issues cover a broad range of topics from a wide range of academic disciplines, methodologies, and theoretical paradigms.</p> <p><strong>DOI Prefix : </strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p> The Governance of Center Excellence Vocational School Program SMKS Yabhinka Cilegon on Improving Student Competence at the Industrial Era 4.02025-02-13T10:20:36+07:00Evi Dora Sembiringevidorasembiring@gmail.comSari Putri<p>This research aims to analyze the governance of the Center of Excellence Vocational School program at Yabhinka Cilegon Vocational School in an effort to increase student competency to face the demands of the Industrial Era 4.0. The research method used is a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation studies. This research evaluates the planning, implementation and results of the program in improving student skills according to the needs of modern industry. The research results show that the governance of the Center of Excellence Vocational School program at Yabhinka Cilegon Vocational School has been running well through collaboration between the school, the business/industrial world (DUDI), and the government. This program has succeeded in integrating a technology-based curriculum and job market needs, increasing teacher capacity, and providing technology-based learning facilities. Overall, the Center of Excellence Vocational School program at Yabhinka Cilegon Vocational School has made a significant contribution in producing graduates who are competent, ready to face the demands of the Industrial Era 4.0, and able to compete in the global job market.</p>2025-02-18T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Evi Dora Sembiring, Sari Putri Pertiwi Study on Resources Mobilization in Turnaround/Shutdown Maintenance2025-02-13T10:15:43+07:00Duraisamy Dhanarajdduraisamy0801@gmail.comSaravanan<p>Turnaround/shutdown maintenance (TAM) is a planned and periodic activity that involves the temporary shutdown of a production plant or equipment for inspection, repair, or replacement. TAM is essential for ensuring the reliability, safety, and efficiency of industrial facilities, especially in the oil and gas, petrochemical, and power sectors. However, TAM also poses significant challenges in terms of resources mobilization, scheduling, coordination, and cost management because TAM requires huge work forces including subject matter experts (SME), original equipment manufacturers (OEM), contractors, sub-contractors, and labors. Therefore, it is essential for minimizing the negative effects and maximizing the benefits of this resource’s mobilization strategy. This paper aims to explore the factors that influence the resources mobilization process in TAM and propose a framework for improving performance.</p>2025-02-17T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Duraisamy Dhanaraj, Saravanan S PRODUCTIVITY : THE ROLE OF KAIZEN CULTURE AND LEADERSHIP STYLE WITH JOB SATISFACTION AS AN INTERVENING VARIABEL IN PT. NIKOMAS Susilawatidetisusilawati74@gmail.comFirli<p><em>Data from the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker), labor productivity figures in Indonesia from 2018 to 2022 are 82.56; 85.04; 83.48; 84.85; and 86.55 (million rupiah/labor). The higher the level of productivity of a country, the greater the profits obtained, and vice versa. The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the influence of kaizen culture, leadership style, on work productivity with job satisfaction as an intervening variable. The population in the research was all employees of the production department of PT Nikomas Gemilang, totaling 2,000 people, sampling using the Slovin formula, the sample consisted of 95 respondents. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression and path analysis with a significance level of 5%, so the results of this research show that: 1)Kaizen culture has no effect on work productivity. 2)Leadership style has no effect on work productivity. 3)Job satisfaction influences work productivity. 4)Kaizen culture influences job satisfaction. 5)Leadership style has no effect on job satisfaction. 6)Job satisfaction can mediate the influence of work culture on productivity at PT. Nikomas Gemilang in Serang City). 7)Job satisfaction cannot mediate the influence of leadership style on work productivity at PT. Nikomas Gemilang in Serang City</em><strong><em>.</em></strong></p>2025-02-18T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Fuadi, Deti Susilawati, Firli Shavab Effect of Overconfidence, Availability Bias and Risk Perception on Generation Z's Investment Decisions Moderated by Financial Literacy2025-01-07T11:22:48+07:00Muhammad Al Ma'ruf. Salmaruf08111@gmail.comDhani Ichsanuddin Korika<p>Technological advances have an impact on several sectors, including investment use. There are several factors that can influence investment decisions. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors of Overconfidence, Availability bias, and risk perception and financial literacy as a moderation of stock investment decisions in generation Z in Surabaya City. This study uses a quantitative approach with a sample in this study, namely generation Z from Surabaya City with an age range of 17 to 27 years, totaling 141 respondents. Data collection in this study was carried out by distributing questionnaires and then the data analysis technique used was using Partial Least Square (PLS). This study found that (1) Overconfidence contributes to stock investment decision making. (2) Availability bias contributes to stock investment decision making. (3) risk perception cannot contribute to stock investment decision making. (4) financial literacy can moderate the relationship between overconfidence and stock investment decision making. (5) financial literacy cannot moderate the relationship between availability bias and stock investment decision making. (6) financial literacy can moderate the relationship between risk perception and stock investment decision making.</p>2025-02-05T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Muhammad Al Ma'ruf. S, Dhani Ichsanudin Nur, Ika Korika Swasti EFFECT OF ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE WITH THE COST OF CAPITAL AS AN INTERVENING VARIABLE2025-01-14T16:56:28+07:00Bernadus Erwin Bagastian Widyo Nugrohobagaserwin999@gmail.comWindu<p><span class="fontstyle0">This study aims to determine the effect of ESG on financial performance with the cost of capital as an<br>intervening variable. The intervening variable in this study is the cost of capital as measured by the<br>weighted average cost of capital (WACC) based on the company's annual report. The independent<br>variable in this study is Environmental Social Government (ESG) as measured using Thomson Reuters<br>Eikon. The dependent variable in this study is financial performance as measured by Return Of Asset<br>(ROA). The population of this study in manufacturing and real estate sector companies listed on the<br>Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the2019-2022 period. The sampling technique used in this method<br>is purposive sampling with a total sample of 156 data. The data analysis method in this study<br>uses multiple regression analysis with STATA 17 and path analysis with the help of an online sobel<br>calculator. The results of this study indicate that ESG disclosure has a positive effect on financial<br>performance, environmental disclosure has no significant positive effect on financial performance,<br>social disclosure has no significant positive effect on financial performance, andgovernance disclosure<br>has no significant positive effect on financial performance.In addition, the cost of capital is unable to act<br>as a mediator in the effect of ESG on financial performance.</span></p>2025-02-05T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Bernadus Erwin Bagastian Widyo Nugroho, Windu Mulyasari Influence of Work-Life Balance and Non-Physical Work Environment on Employee Performance Through Job Satisfaction2025-01-14T17:17:19+07:00Arfi Abdillah Alhamarfiabdillah08@gmail.comIka Korika<table width="593"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="387"> <p>This study aims to analyze the effect of work-life balance and non-physical work environment on employee performance, with job satisfaction as an intervening variable, at the East Java Regional Office of Madura for UMKM Bank. The population in this study consists of 100 employees working in the Credit Division, General & HR Division, and Customer Service Division from the Bangkalan, Sampang, Pamekasan, and Sumenep branch offices. The sample was selected using the census method, where the entire population is used as respondents. Data was collected and analyzed using SmartPLS software. The results show that: (1) Work-life balance contributes to improving employee performance by providing clarity in tasks and responsibilities that align with competencies, (2) The non-physical work environment also contributes to improving employee performance by motivating employees to demonstrate their best potential, (3) Work-life balance has a positive impact on employee performance through increased job satisfaction, as employees feel more satisfied with well-structured work, (4) The nonphysical work environment contributes to performance improvement through job satisfaction due to objective leadership policies in providing assessments.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>2025-02-05T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Arfi Abdillah Alham, Ika Korika Swasti, akhmad fauzi AFFECTION OF DETERMINANT EFFECT ON EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE2025-01-07T11:31:37+07:00Della Maya Puspitadellamayap@gmail.comAkhmad Korika<table width="593"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="387"> <p><strong>The availability of qualified human resources in an agency or company will support optimal work results and the achievement of the company's vision and mission. One of the factors that need to be considered to keep employee performance at its maximum is to implement a work-life balance and a good work environment. This study aims to find out how work-life balance and work environment can affect employee performance with job satisfaction as a mediating variable.</strong></p> <p><strong>The research method used is quantitative with the Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (Sem-PLS) analysis technique. The variables studied in this study are work life balance (X1), work environment (X2), performance (Y), and job satisfaction (Z). The object of this study is an employee of Bank X in Sidoarjo. The sampling technique in this study is a saturated sampling technique or census. The number of samples in this study is 58 employees of Bank X in Sidoarjo.</strong></p> <p><strong>The results of the study showed that: work-life balance did not contribute to improving performance, the work environment contributed positively and significantly to improving performance, job satisfaction successfully mediated the influence of work-life balance on performance, the work environment did not contribute to improving performance through job satisfaction, job satisfaction also contributed positively and significantly to the improvement of the performance of Bank X employees in Sidoarjo. </strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>2025-02-05T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Della Maya Puspita, Akhmad Fauzi; Ika Korika Swasti Impact of Behavioral Biases with Investment Interest as a Mediating Variabel on Online Investment Decition Making Among Generation Z2025-01-23T10:46:10+07:00Tyaradelataratyara@gmail.comTri Kartika Oka<p><strong>It is important for Generation Z investors to increase awareness of herding bias and overconfidence bias in order to make more rational investment decisions and reduce the risks associated with impulsive behavior. This research provides valuable contributions to understanding the psychological factors that influence the investment behavior of Generation Z. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing and managing psychological biases in investment decision-making, so they can make more rational and informed decisions, as well as reduce the risk of losses due to impulsive behavior in investments. This study aims to analyze the impact of behavioral biases on investment interest and decisions, focusing on Generation Z as the research sample. The sample consists of 116 respondents, all of whom are individuals from Generation Z. The data analysis technique used is Partial Least Squares (PLS) to test the relationships between variables. The research findings indicate that: (1) herding bias contributes to investment decision-making, (2) overconfidence bias contributes to investment decision-making, (3) herding bias contributes to investment interest, (4) overconfidence bias contributes to individual investment decision-making, (5) investment interest contributes to investment decision-making, (6) herding bias contributes to investment decision-making through investment interest, and (7) overconfidence bias contributes to investment decision-making through investment interest.</strong></p>2025-02-05T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 tyara tyara, Tri Kartika Pertiwi; Gede Oka Warmana Analysis of Stock Price Movements between Large State- owned Listed Enterprises and Small-Medium Size Listed Companies : Based on Data Analysis of Share Listed Companies Since 20202025-02-05T13:20:00+07:00Wendian Lu1211064641@qq.comGuirong<div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>To explore the complex relationship between the stock price movements of large state-owned listed enterprises and small and medium-sized listed companies, this study conducts a theoretical review and correlation analysis using data from January 1, 2020, to June 30, 2024, as a sample. The analysis reveals that, while the stock prices of both groups generally exhibited a high correlation in the past, this correlation has weakened recently, with signs of even turning negative. The research finds that structural changes within China's A-share market have emerged, with the stock price performance of large state-owned enterprises beginning to diverge from that of small and medium-sized companies. Based on these findings, the following recommendations are made for value investors: Pay attention to the medium- to long-term investment value of large state-owned enterprises and increase the investment proportion in large state-owned enterprises or related stock index funds; View market fluctuations rationally and avoid blindly following the trend.</p> </div> </div> </div>2025-02-05T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Wendian Lu, Guirong Deng Approaches to Seaweed Farming: The Case of Tesabela Village, West Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia2025-02-05T13:46:31+07:00Rifqah Pratiwir.pratiwi.kkp@gmail.comPieter Amalopieter.amalo@gmail.comDian Kusuma Ni Putunpt.dian@gmail.comLukas G.G.<p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The coastal community of Tesabela Village, West Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, predominantly practices traditional seaweed farming methods, such as longline and off-bottom techniques, which limit production efficiency due to environmental challenges and lack of advanced technological knowledge. This study evaluates and disseminates innovative solutions, including Kajarula Technology, Biorula Biofertilizer, Rula Basket, and Selvarula (Selection of Seaweed Varieties). These innovations address critical issues such as sedimentation, pest disruptions, and suboptimal seaweed growth caused by inadequate farming methods and environmental conditions. Community engagement activities from July to October 2023 involved participatory training sessions, production assistance, and the distribution of farming inputs, benefiting 50 participants, including farmers, academics, and local leaders. The implementation of Selvarula was particularly suited for the local shallow water environment, offering a sustainable, cost-effective approach to improve productivity and seed quality. Results highlight the potential of integrating these technologies to empower the community through knowledge transfer, improved production methods, and economic resilience. This initiative underscores the importance of collaborative efforts between academia and local communities in fostering sustainable development in coastal areas.</span></p>2025-02-05T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Rifqah Pratiwi, Pieter Amalo, Dian Kusuma Ni Putu, Lukas G.G. Serihollo